Instytut Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej


Uniwersytet Wrocłaawski

Dariusz Galasiński

| Zakład Sztuk Audiowizualnych



wtorki 12.00-13.0, Wydział Filologiczny, ul. św Jadwigi 3/4, pok. 146 lub na platformie Teams, po umówieniu się.
Office hours: Tuesdays 11-12, Wydział Filologiczny, ul. św Jadwigi 3/4, room 146 or via Teams, by appointment.


Prof. Dariusz Galasinski (professorship - humanities, 2007; habilitation - psychology, 2013; habilitation - linguistics, 2000; Phd - linguistics, 1990)  is a linguist interested in issues traditionally explored by psychology and psychiatry. He has written on boasting, deception, identities, and emotions. Over the past decade, he has been interested in experiences of mental illness. He has published books on men’s experiences of depression and fathers’ experiences of mental illness, and most recently Discourses of Men's Suicide Notes: A Qualitative Analysis (Bloomsbury) and Discourse of the Suicide Process (with Justyna Ziółkowska; Bloomsbury). Currently he is working on a book on discursive constructions of the person taking their own life. For more information see

Recent books

Discursive Constructions of the Suicidal Process. Bloomsbury, 2020. (co-author J.Ziółkowska).

Discourses of Men’s Suicide Notes. London: Bloomsbury, 2017

Fathers, Fatherhood and Mental Illness. A Discourse Analysis of Rejection. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2013.

Men's discourses of depression, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2008.