Instytut Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej


Uniwersytet Wrocłaawski

Erasmus+ Studies: additional admissions

Dear students!


We are starting an additional recruitment in the Erasmus+ Studies programme, which applies to trips for the spring semester 2024/2025. The number of places is limited, so please do not delay sending your documents. Traditionally, you send by email: a set of documents and also fill in the mandatory application form.


The entire procedure and list of documents below:

CANDIDATE'S FILE (documents to be sent via email to the coordinator with the title: Erasmus+ Studies application to

1.Application form

2.Motivation form.

3.CV (tabular).

4.Certificate of the average for the last year of studies (in the case of Bachelor's degree only the last semester) from the Dean's Office.

5.Declaration regarding Erasmus+ mobility capital.

6.Proof of language skills (in the case of examinations in SPNJO - a list is available from the dean's office). 

7.Supervisor's consent to mobility (may be sent at a later date. A form is available on the IDKS website or here:


Incomplete document folders will not be considered. If you need further communication regarding your application, please send further emails in the same thread for continuity of communication. Current list of partner universities is avaliable on the Teams: Erasmus+ wyjazdy IDKS | Ogólny | Microsoft Teams

List of universities

More information about the programme:
