Instytut Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej


Uniwersytet Wrocłaawski

CIRHI logo competition

Centre for Interdisciplinary Research into Health and Illness – CIRHI announces a logo competition. The logo is to be used to visually identify the Centre, to reflect its field of work and values.


We are setting the requirements for the Centre’s logotype:


1. The logo will creatively reflect the Centre being a part of the University of Wroclaw.

2. The University of Wroclaw font will be used in the logotype (if letters are included in it).

3. Colours and/or symbols used will reflect the Centre’s field of work. 

4. The logo will be usable within the Centre’s website and the Centre’s Twitter, @CIRHI_UniWroc.   


Information about the Centre can be found on the Centre’s website: Additional information can be requested from the Centre’s director, prof. dr. hab. Dariusz Galasiński.



Conditions of taking part:


1. Students of University of Wroclaw can take part in the competition.

2. To participate in the competition send a project of the logo together with its justification to

3. The competition deadline is 31st March 2022.




1. The project accepted as the Centre’s logo will be a winner of the competition.

2. A winner will receive a reward of 2500 PLN.

3. Decision regarding the winning project will be made by the competition committee: prof. Dariusz Galasinski, prof. Arkadiusz Lewicki, dr Eva Duda oraz mgr Magdalena Witkowicz.

4. The committee has the right not to announce a winner.

5. The competition results will be announced by 15th April 2022 the latest.