Institute of Journalism and Social Communication


Uniwersytet Wrocławski

University Scholarship

University scholarships

Dear Students, all kinds of scholarships available at the Faculty of Letters for the students of the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication can be found below. We kindly ask you to follow the detailed rules of granting scholarships on the website of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Wroclaw link. The detailed information is also to be found in the Social-Housing Section [Dział Spraw Socjalno-Bytowych] link.

The students of the Faculty of Letters may fill in the forms for material support (social scholarships, scholarships for persons with disabilities, the Rector’s scholarships for the best students) on the website Logging in is necessary in order to have the access to the application. The students of the Faculty of Letters who want to log into the system must take the following steps:


  1. Step 1: log in on | login: student no. | Password: the five last digits of the PESEL number (the student (index) number [numer albumu] is the login and the five last digits of the PESEL number are the password).
  2. Step 2: after logging in on the student must change the password using the function Change password [Zmiana hasła]. Changing the password is necessary due to safety reasons!
  3. Step 3: The password created in Step no. 2 (the student number is the login) enables the student to use two systems: USOSWeb – | The System of Forms for material support –


Any information concerning material support benefits is available on the University of Wroclaw website. For further information about filling in the forms please contact:

Social-Housing Office
Address: Nankiera Square 15, 50-140 Wroclaw, room 116
Phone no.: +48 71 3752235
E-mail address: |

List of scholarships and other support

  • Social, housing, board support and scholarships for persons with disabilities link
  • Scholarships for academic or sport achievements link

  • The Minister of Science and Higher Education Scholarship link

  • Other scholarship offers link