Institute of Journalism and Social Communication


Uniwersytet Wrocławski


Institute of Journalism and Social Communication

The Institute of Journalism and Social Communication is one of the most dynamically evolving research and academic entities not only at the University of Wroclaw, but also nationwide. Students are treated as intellectual equals and not as individuals forced to be academically spoon-fed. Cooperation, partnership and curiosity are the foundations for establishing relationships with young people. This is why over two thousand of students have trusted academic skills and research accomplishments of our lecturers. The lecturers at our institute are prominent specialists acknowledged not only in Poland, but also internationally. The best specialists in the disciplines of journalism, branding, marketing, advertising, and public relations lecture here. The academic staff are characterized by flexibility and open-mindedness towards continuously changing technologies and teaching methods. We are exceptional and, what follows, we accept constructive criticism with poise and we strive to act upon hints and implement suggestions about the structure and tasks of the University of Wroclaw. 

External links

  • Facebook profile: link
  • You Tube profile: link
  • University of Wrocław profile: link