Instytut Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej


Uniwersytet Wrocłaawski

Marta Łysik

| Zakład Form Literackich i Dokumentalnych



Konsultacje w sesji poprawkowej/Office hours during the exam period:
1.09 - 8-9 (Teams)
2.09 - 8-9 (Teams)
7.09 - 8-9 (Teams)
9.09 - 8-9 (Teams)
12.09 - 8-9 (Teams)

  • The New Digital Age

  • The Circle

  • MLA 8th edition

zainteresowania naukowe/research interests

- gatunki medialne i literackie/media and literary genres

- radio/radio stations

- powieść i autobiografia akademicka/academic novel and life writing

- literatura wnuków/narratives of the third generation

- literatura w mieście i w mediach/literature in the city and in media

- trendy i innowacje/trends & innovations

- edukacja medialna/media literacy

kursy/courses taught

  • Literatura wnuków (Narratives of the Third Generation)
  • Wywiad (Interviewing in Journalism)
  • Wywiad w dziennikarstwie muzycznym (Interviewing in Music Journalism)
  • Trends and Innovations
  • MA Seminar
  • Public Relations
  • Analysis of Media Discourse
  • Media Genres
  • Polskie stacje radiowe (Polish Radio Stations)
  • Telewizyjne i radiowe programy kulturalne (TV and Radio Shows about Culture)

prace magisterskie/ma theses


- Erasmus exchange programme as a form of intercultural communication and its impact on the lives of the participants

- News Production in New Media Environment

 - “Orel i reshka” as a unique travel show on the Ukrainian television

- Role of employer branding and communication in building a brand image among employees and job market candidates on the example of AstraZeneca

- Main concepts of brand psychology as a new way of reaching customers on the example of Innocent Drinks company

- The use of aromamarketing for brand communication

- Changing Portrayal of Women’s Beauty Standards in American Contemporary Mass Media over the 20th and 21st century

- Designing MAGARI IVER boutique perfumery’s visual identification with usage of the corporate identity tools and sensory marketing strategy

- Self-branding practices in fine art photography

- The use of social marketing tools in Polish public service announcements aimed at improving the situation of women in the Polish modern society. The analysis of right and incorrect   use of social marketing mechanisms in chosen Polish PSAs

- Product video as an online marketing tool for e-commerce

- Neuro-linguistic programming in the selling process

- Different forms of fashion advisory service in mass media

- Strategies of communicating luxury through brand identity and product features. Analysis of Chanel no. 5 video commercials

- Social media in different business sectors: public relations, customer service, and sales support


- Street artists as social activists. Illegal art or creative campaigns

- The Dutch, Polish and Russian equivalents of 'Love Actually' and their cultural implications

- Promotion of online store. Networks as important tool of communication with costumers

- Facebook and Social Media as an useful tools in the process of creating and improving the image of the hospital

- The advertising campaign of the Stage Song Review as a part of effective marketing

- The promotion of Catholic Church in France: an analysis of the Catholic medias from the XVIth century until the XXIth century

- The development of a corporate design for a private tennis academy

- Różne sposoby prezentacji zawodu korespondenta wojennego

- Femvertising jako nowy trend w komunikacji skierowanej do kobiet na przykładzie kampanii marki Dove

- Analysis of Nonverbal Communication of Bill Clinton during speeches and deposition after the affair with Monica Lewinsky

- Analysis of portrayals of LGTB characters in chosen American TV series from 1994 to 2015

- Portret mafii i gangstera w filmach "Ojciec chrzestny I-III" oraz "Chłopcy z ferajny"

- World Press Photo of the Year. Analysis of selected photos

- Andriej Zwiagincew - przedstawiciel europejskiego kina autorskiego

- Analiza wykorzystania środków i przestrzeni hipertekstowej w powieści kolaboracyjnej "Piksel Zdrój"

- Product placement na przykładzie serialu "Prawo Agaty"

- Online Video Activism: #Babylon’13’s Coverage of Euromaidan