Institute of Journalism and Social Communication


Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Towards development of the mediatization research

On December 11, 2017, a specialization seminar entitled Towards development of mediatization research, organised by the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication and the Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub, was held. The seminar was led by Professor Göran Bolin from Södertörn University, Sweden. 

Professor Göran Bolin is the author among others of such books as "Value and the Media: Cultural Production and Consumption in Digital Markets" (Ashgate, 2011) and "Media Generations: Experience, Identity and Mediatised Social Change" (Routledge 2016). The guest also serves as a member of the Film, Media and Visual Communication Section Committee of the Academia Europaea and as Vice-President of the Mediatization Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). 

The workshop started with the introduction lecture by an invited expert and then short presentations began, followed by discussions, with the most time devoted to them.

The idea of the seminar was based on the work on the materials previously provided by the participants. In the inspiring interiors of the Fabryka Sensu (Factory of Sense) work was done on planned research projects, works in progress, articles and the results of research already completed. The meeting was attended by researchers representing Poland, Lithuania, Romania and Bulgaria.